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Friday 27 October 2017

Reflection on my time at Westland High School

Video reflection completed for Phillippa Mallinson so she could review the schools progress. Sorry, the first videos cut out but actually, I don't think there really needs to be much more said.

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Microsoft 365

So I've moved to a new school and I'm now using Microsoft 365 and mainly Ipads. First of all I need to say that I've never really been a fan of Ipads in the classroom. I also need to state in the interests of transparency that I'm new to Microsoft 365 so I'm still working out how to use it properly.

I've been using Google for the past few years (I got my google level 1 educator a month or so back) and I have to say I enjoy how easy it is to use for students and I now know its way easier for admin to use as well. I've been using Microsoft 365 for just over a month and it has some great benefits which Google doesn't have.


1. One note is a great way to see a whole class full of work and you can set work for for loads of groups of students.
2. One drive works as well as google drive so no complaints there.
3. Using powerpoint/ word/excel online is great and as you can download the files and edit them on your computer it makes using powerpoint a whole lot easier than slides.

Ok now for the problems I've been facing, which are not all due to Microsoft 365:

1. Powerpoint in Onedrive is not able to be edited on Ipads with ease. This is also a problem faced by Google slides but not to such a severe extent.
2. Passwords are incredibly difficult to change in the admin. This is also due to the fact that Microsoft 365 doesn't sync easily with SIMS.
3. Sharepoint, I can see that they are trying to emulate shared servers on Microsoft computers but it uses the worst part of Microsoft and it's really difficult to find anything.
4. The editability of Powerpoint, Word and Excel is reduced to a very basic and frankly unusable version if you are doing it online. A lot of the better features of these programmes are completely lost on the online version.

I'm also working in a school that is part of a group of schools so there are restrictions on all sorts of things and how they work within the group. I don't have all the permissions I used to have (I'm now an Admin not a Super admin) so that can be an issue. So some of the issues I'm having with using this new system is in part due to the restrictions in my user name.

I really want to emulate the work I was doing in New Zealand and make the learners in my classroom self motivated in their learning. I know that the student's I am teaching are more than capable. The school I am working in has high expectations for their learning and behaviour so there is a framework in place. All I need to do is find a way to get the technology to work for me. I'm really trying to keep an open mind but I have to say I'm struggling with Microsoft 365, so I think this will possibly be my greatest technology challenge so far.