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Monday 15 May 2017


Blogging in the classroom

I know it's weird I'm writing a blog about blogging. But this is a more specific blog post regarding the usefulness of blogger as a tool to use with my classes. I have 2 classes I am currently working on Blogger with two classes in different ways my for junior blog I'm doing the blogging and sharing their work and what is going on in class with them and their whanau. For my seniors they are doing the blogging themselves.

Junior school blog

The junior school blog started off as a way for the junior pupils to have a space for rewindable learning. I realised every time I do an experiment in class the students ask questions as I go so actually putting those on a video is quite useful sometimes. Last week I tried a different method I filmed the video before class and gave the students a link to the blog and a worksheet. They really loved it and it gave me more time to answer individual questions and support students with their individual needs. I think this actually may be the way forward, losing the teacher talking at the front and spending more time individually with students. It's kind of blown my mind a little, it was quite hard to not explain too much and just let the students get on with it.

Senior class blogs

I decided to let my senior students create their own blogs and try to empower them to build a positive digital footprint. I wasn't sure how well it would go down with the students as they are year 11 and they have been known to just stare at me like I'm a crazy lady. A few students have got into the blogs and have produced some excellent work. For them they are using their blogs as a way to supplement the work book they are using and to consolidate learning in class. Well that's how I envisaged they would use it. Turns out they are way more imaginative than I am and some of them have started to use it far more creatively than I would have thought and are producing some excellent posts. I'm very proud of this group of students.

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