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Thursday 23 March 2017

Inquiry Cycle

So this is my inquiry cycle so far above is the brief notes version.

Plan for my inquiry, planning is hard but once you have done this bit it gets easier. Yeah right I started this 3 months ago and it's only up to posting standard now.

What are our student’s learning needs?

What do they already know?
How to access the school website and log onto the student portal
Junior class - I need to engage students in their learning by giving them opportunities to rewind and opportunities that are not written to engage them in science. I think the learn, create, share pedagogy will work. They are already using this to some extent in other classes as the whole school is involved in the Toki Pounamu scheme

What sources of evidence have we used?
Assessment data, google forms, thumbs up (class checks of knowledge), Target sheets (middle school maths and science)

Gather & interpret data
- Data collated from Senior class assessments physics 1:1 and feedback from students in a google form. - This way I have quantitative data to compare between methods within a class as well as longitudinal data from previous classes.
- Target sheets collated with assessment data from middle school science class. This way I can quantify what they understood and achieved in each lessons to link this to any changes I have made.
- Junior class need constant attention and there are students with very low reading and writing ages. I need to engage students in their learning by giving them opportunities to rewind and opportunities that are not written to engage them in science. I have data from previous schools and current standardised testing.

What do they need to learn and do?

Students need to learn how to access the class website and use the rewindable learning.
Students need to make their own rewindable learning so they can support themselves.

Learn to use the chromebooks features to make it easier for lower ability students to engage in science

How do we build on what they know?
Students are already web savvy and they seem to enjoy knowing what they are doing next so now the plan is going to get the students to rewind if they miss a lesson to find out what they have missed or to go over a subject they didn’t understand.

- Build up the learn create share pedagogy in class, work with other teachers so it becomes second nature for juniors
- Use the rewindable moments in class so it becomes second nature

What are our own learning needs?

What do we already know that we can use to promote valued outcomes?

SOLO, PB4L, Woolf Fisher research data on toki pounamu projects

What do we need to learn to do to promote valued outcomes?

Learn, Create Share pedagogy
Learn how to use google sites effectively - make them user friendly/pretty

What sources of evidence/knowledge can we utilise?

Rewindable learning is ubiquitous learning presentation 20th Feb
Toolkit rewindable learning presentation 15th March

Learning from as many sources as possible, Lead teacher days and blogs from other teachers.
Blogs from other teachers in the manaiakalani clusters:
Philippa Mallinson Arts teacher Secondary School, West Coast

Design of tasks and experiences

- The maths and science websites are now up and running and linked to the school website so they are now accessible.
- Screencastify lesson parts and put them on the website, already trialling this with the staff website and digital tools.
- Students are going to Learn something, create a learning object and then share it digitally.
- Got to remember not to overload students with new things as they like everyone need time to process new ways of learning.

Teaching actions

Start small and work up with them, they already know how to access the site and go over previous presentations of work.
Learn about plants, create a learning object to explain how different parts of the plant work and share on a padlet page that will be linked to the site.

Middle school students
Science fair topic is already planned out online and students need a place to ask questions if they want me to go over something. But so far I will put short videos up from every new topic.
Maths students are going to have rewindable learning for every new topic and quite a few are really keen on this and have spoken to me today. I will also have to come up with extension tasks for this very mixed ability group.

Start them investigating earthquakes and give them something to learn they have created quite a lot so far in the class I would like them to start sharing their learning on their blog with an information video, slide or to use their jigsaws to explain why/how earthquakes affect us in New Zealand.

Link to the original document

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