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Thursday 23 February 2017

Toki Pounamu PLG

Professional learning day at Grey Main School

Today focused on Learn, Create and Share (link to slide show here)

Digital devices to augment learning in the class. Learning information should be clear and easy to access. Teacher led information should be on learning site not in hapara. 
DON'T WORRY about the look of the site, getting something there is more important than the not having anything on there.

Students are hopefully given ways to express themselves in a way that has not been given before. Creating an essay is not a new way to share.

If students are creating digital object then that moves you up as a classroom teacher up to the SAMR model. To Augmentation
S - Substitution
A - Augmentation
M - Modification
R - Redefinition

Lots of shared ideas on the padlet this made me realise that I have so much to learn before I can do this. 

Blogging, lots for Philippa to do.
Good for students to connect with a wider audience as this improves their confidence and feedback.


  1. Always nice to see the SAMR model presented in different ways. Heaps of great ideas on that padlet as well! 🙃

  2. Don't get hung up on SAMR- there are a couple of other ways you can engage with digital technology. SAMR is 'useful' after a fashion but it isn't always. I think that people can get caught up in the idea that they must move from S to A to M and finally to R and that everything from then on must be R.. It can become a wee bit of a stick with which to beat ourselves. There's another acronym called 't-pack' which a lot of people find more useful. Although the web page is a bit OTT it should give you some ideas.

    1. I like TPACK it's another lovely way to look at digital learning. I think of the SAMR model as a way to get ideas to progress my ideas in teaching sometimes I need a push to actually stretch myself out of my comfort zone and I use SAMR model to do that. Going to also use TPACK as well now.

    2. And SAMR doesn't have to be a linear one way progression. Teacher's can move up and down depending on what's appropriate and the needs of the class.
